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为什么我要坚持继续教育 英语作文——写作思路:主要写出继续教育的好处。正文:From the perspective of the research team of continuing education abroad, the vast majority of the personnel engaged in their research are graduate students and professors. U


关于继续教育的英语作文——So, youvefinished school and university and come out with a load of academic knowledge.Youre ready to startmaking some serious money in the business world, but how much willyour academic qualifications help




求一篇关于大学教育的英语作文 最好能附加译文.——In some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation.But we can already see that free education for all is


写一篇在继续学习和开始工作之间如何选择的英语作文——I have already helped you to analyse clearly.I hope I can help you,but still make yourself to decided.继续学习或者开始你的工作,我已经帮助你分析的很清楚了。我希望我能够帮助你,但是,还是让你自己去决定吧。


求一篇关于大学教育的英语作文——but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns.In fact, when we say that all of us must be


急求一篇关于E-education的大学生英语作文。谢谢了。——image, animation, streaming video and audio.E-learning is an excellent option in education, particularly when there are hindrances to traditional learning situations. For example, some people wish to continue their
