关于教育重要性的英语口语对话——A: Hello, how are you doing?B: Not bad, how about you?A: Fine. I remembered that you told me you cant catch the oral teacher in his classes, how about now?B: Still difficult to understand his w
求一篇以Education为中心的长英语对话,要5个人的,5个人的英语对话——C:Yes ,I think so. And in its narrow sense,school education is an educational activity and its primary as well as direct target is that the school education is understood by the special educational ins
英语口语考试,两人情景对话!急啊,各位帮帮忙~——Topic1:继续教育现状:学生A和B都是大学老人。 他们在讨论他们未来的升学,毕业后的计划:。学生A你打算继续读研究生的教育作为。 你认为你得到更多的教育,更多的机会,你将不得不寻找薪水。学生一个更好的工作:一个高
关于继续教育的英语作文——So, youvefinished school and university and come out with a load of academic knowledge.Youre ready to startmaking some serious money in the business world, but how much willyour academic qualifications help
商务英语口语对话:老板边上学边工作——是的.今天是星期二 老板去上工商管理硕士的研讨课了.每周二和周四上午他都不上班 周六和周日全天也都有课. 他学什么? 他参加了一个针对管理人员开办的特殊继续教育项目.他可以一边继续工作 一边到处去听课 两年
关于大学教育与职业教育的英语作文——因此,从“他律”到“自律”,这是从计划经济向市场经济转变的必然,也是实现最有效教育的必然。(4) 发展专业性教育,实现学生工作的科学化在澳洲高校,人们重视继续教育或终身教育(further education)。教育既是对学生的,也是对教师的。从事
英语高手帮帮忙~~翻译一个小对话~~——Ada Judy Sally A: Hello, everybody, welcome everyone to watch todays 【love】 programs in China, today we have invited guests from the UK from the United States Judy and Sally. Now let us into today
一段英语小对话——(我乐意捐给教育机构。) Q:What is most important in your life right now?(眼下你生活中最重要的是什么?) A:To get a job in my field is most important to me. (对我来说,能在这个领域找到工作是最重要的。) A:To