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写一篇在继续学习和开始工作之间如何选择的英语作文——How to choice of continue to study and started on your work 继续学习和开始你的工作之间将要如何选择 I think that if you were have enough money in your home,continued to study.It will help you get more.If






英语作文假设高三是继续上大学还是高中毕业找工作 英语?——英语作文:高三毕业后是上大学还是找工作?This really depends on your own situation. Normally, you should have further education as it is necessary in the current society. You can’t have good job without


英语作文啊,题目是毕业后是继续工作还是继续读书——I think that if you were have enough money in your home,continued to study.It will help you get more.If you were a good learner,and your family can support you to study.I think study more will be


毕业后工作还是深造英语作文——In general, in any case, you will have to pay some opportunity cost. The so-called cannot have it both ways that is the truth. To minimize this cost, you must consider your strengths, interests and




关于学生上学还是工作的英语文章 关于学生上学还是工作的英语作文,阐 ——There has been much controversy over part-time jobs for students. People who are against it hold that the sole purpose of higher education is for the students to acquire knowledge. If they are engaged in


英语作文说说你工作之后还想继续来深造学习的理由——First, in modern soceity, competition is more and more severe, which results in improving our abilities in many aspects to compete with the graduates.Through further education, we can enrich our inner life.
