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新概念英语第一册同步试卷答案——Ⅰ.aeiwiiaryaaaaearlino(竖着报)Ⅱ.[i: i e u : ε: u s i ei i ε ei ε:](还是竖着报)Ⅲ.leave describe z


新概念英语 测试卷第一册 67~72课答案——一、1.absent 2.weekend 3.butchers 4.hundreds 5.cinema 6.behind 7.arrived 8.clean 9.hairdressers 10.town 二、1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 三、1.was 2.bak


谁知道新概念英语同步测试卷 第一册Test18,19,20的答案啊——III.1.sharpening 2.answered 3.questions 4.attendant 5.garage 6.repair 7.bought 8.saw 9.一1i 2r 3o 4o 5o 6r 7o 8i 9e 10w 11l 12y 13r 14i 15a 16a 17e 18o 19e 20i 二音标不会打 三1neig


谁有新概念英语第一册试卷Test27~31的答案?——Test27:Ⅰ:1、e 2、a 3、o 4、a5、l6、e7、a8、c 9、r10、a11、o12、e13、a14、c15、e16、i17、g18、a19、r20、i Ⅲ:1、immediately2、famous3、actress4、waving5、overtake6、sign7、miles8、darling9


新概念英语第一册同步测试卷 book1 test10 Lesson(55~60)试卷及答案——III. 1. It has been three years since I moved.2. Is there any vinegar in the bottle?3.My aunt used to live in London.4. She is not so clever as her brother.5. He does not swim so often as


求新概念英语第一册同步测试卷85—90的答案!——一.1.cinema 2.beautiful 3.never 4.film 5.attendant 6.bring 7.garage 8.crash 9.repair 10.believe 11.since 12.sell 13.because 14.retire 15.cost 16.worth 17.penny


这是新概念英语青少年版1a(Unit1-2)试卷的第二题,请给我答案,我现在很——Is this your pencil?(肯定回答)___Yes,it is.___Is that your ruler?(否定回答)___No ,it isnt .___This is Robert’s desk.(对划线部分提问)__?___That is Lucy’s key.(对划线部分提问)___?


新概念英语第一册第37课到第48课的试卷和答案——1.I can see some spoons,but I can’t see any knives.2.I can see some hammers,but I can’t see any boxes.3.I can see some coffee,but I can’t see any loaves of bread.4.I can see some




新概念英语第一册,一课一练的电子版所有试卷和答案——第一部分:答案:B/D/B/C/A 第二部分:答案:C/C/C/D/A 第三部分:答案:A/D/D/C/D
